Is it ok to mix allegra and alka seltzer cold medicine

Ok to mix methadone with hydrocodone?.
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As long as you take the required dose of both. Talk to your doctor to see what medications you can mix, but Ambien (Sleeping Pill) and NyQuil shouldn’t have an
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guys i have found someone who agrees to give me some methadone to help me out with my detox from hydrocodone is it ok to mix these 2 ? i took 2 hydrocodone at 1 pm
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Is it ok to mix allegra and alka seltzer cold medicine
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I have a cold, can I take alka-seltzer.
I have a cold, can I take alka-seltzer plus cold & flu formula? :I will be 6 weeks tomorrow. And have this annoying cold. Would it be safe to take this? I'm insure
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Is it ok to mix allegra and alka seltzer cold medicine
Claritin Products (Loratadine) Questions and Drug Interactions. CAUTION: The two most common side effects of Claritin are dry mouth and sleepiness. .